Grant / loan for studying at your home university

Bournemouth University - NHS and social work bursaries

General information on this grant / loan

Bournemouth University
NHS and social work bursaries

General Description

The NHS and Social Work Bursaries are available to students of Bournemouth University. It is for students preparing for the social work field and health care system. The bursaries are awarded and paid out at the pre-registration stage. Their purpose is to cover tuition fees and living costs. If you are studying for a first degree in Adult Nursing, Children and Young People’s Nursing, Mental Health, Midwifery, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, you are eligible. Additionally if you are studying for a Higher Education Diploma in Operating Department Practice, you also qualify. Students may receive £1,000 grant for each year of study. A bursary of £4,443 is also available. This is paid over on a monthly basis. If you have dependents you can apply for additional support benefits.


You must apply for the bursary and declare income to be means tested. You must be an honours student.

Application deadlines

Applications can be submitted at any time.