
Top 5 unusual scholarships in Spain

You think that scholarships are all the same, boring and just for the most talented students? Wrong!! The following list is a collection of the most unusual and unexpected scholarships in Spain to show you that there exist financial aid for all kind of students:
unusual scholarships in Spain
unusual scholarships in Spain

1. Abat Oliba University - Family Scholarships

The Abat Oliba University offers Family Scholarships the higher the number of children in one family, the higher the discount on the cost of tuition.

2. Government of Spain-Ministry of Defence - Naval Museum Research Grants

The Ministry of Defence of the Government of Spain is offering the Naval Museum Research Grant to applicants with the Spanish nationality to support the research on the patrimonial, artistic-historical and bibliographical funds of the Naval Museum. The grand is worth € 6,000 and is offered for 6 months.

3. Autonomous Community of Catalonia - Research Fellowships on Politically Autonomous Territories-Individual Research Works

The Autonomous Community of Catalonia offers fellowships for research on territorial political autonomy. Possible candidates must either be nationals of a member state of the European Union or hold a Spanish long-term residence permit and additionally been residing in Catalonia for at least two years.

4. Dan David Prize - Dan David Prize - Scholarships for PhD and Post-Doc Students

The Dan David Prize is offered to exceptional doctoral students whose research has to do with the chosen fields for the current year (this year: History and Memory, Combating Memory Loss and Artificial Intelligence-The Digital Mind). Grantees will receive a lump sum of 15000 US dollars (currently about 11060 euro).

5. Agrupació Foundation - Agrupació Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships

Agrupació Foundation is offering Scholarships for customers or customer’s sons of Agrupació. A maximum of 10 scholarships will be awarded with a total budget of € 30,000.