Grant / loan for studying at your home university

Kore University of Enna (Enna/Italy) - Fee reduction "Se sei meritevole, hai meno problemi con l'UKE"

General information on this grant / loan

Kore University of Enna (Enna/Italy)
Fee reduction "Se sei meritevole, hai meno problemi con l'UKE"

General Description

University of Enna grants a fee reduction to deserving students. Students with financial needs can request such reduction.


Students enrolled in their first academic year must have a college degree of 90/100 or better. Students who are enrolling for second (or further) academic year must have earned all expected credits for previous years. In any case, ISEE documentation lower than €14,500 must be produced. As an exception, extraordinary situations can be evaluated. Out-of-course students, and repeaters, can't apply. This benefit is additional to any other prize or Scholarship awarded by any Authority.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: