Grant / loan for studying at your home university

School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, jointly with St Cross College - ESRC Graduate Studentship in Anthropology - St Cross College

General information on this grant / loan

School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, jointly with St Cross College
ESRC Graduate Studentship in Anthropology - St Cross College

General Description

The ESRC graduate scholarship in anthropology comprises 3 organisations: Oxford University, ESRC and St. Cross. The ESRC will pay for the college tuition at home/EU rate, the University of Oxford and St. Cross will waive any remaining fees. In addition, the ESRC will pay for student's maintenance costs. The ultimate goal of this award is to get people into doctorates.


As the goal of this scholarship is achieving a doctorate, you need to at least have a bachelor degree. This scholarship may then be used to finance both the master's degree and the doctorate studies, or the doctorate studies only. There is no specific application process, but students will be evaluated during the normal acceptation process for the university.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply:
Not Specified