Grant / loan for studying abroad

University of Salzburg (Salzburg/Austria) - Support for studies abroad

General information on this grant / loan

University of Salzburg (Salzburg/Austria)
Support for studies abroad
Eligible countries: 
All countries are eligible

General Description

The University of Salzburg created this stipend to help students perfect their foreign language skills. It is targeted towards students of English studies, American studies, Romance Studies and Slavistics. It serves students to visit courses within the scope of a self-organized semester abroad. Only universities that are not partner universities within the ERASMUS program or other Joint-Study program are regarded. This stipend covers at least one trimester and at most one full academic year.


Applicants most provide written proof of a university place for the respective disciplines abroad. Applicants must have successfully completed at least 2 semester at the University of Salzburg. They must be EEA citizens or “equivalent aliens”. Enrollment in a continuous degree program is mandatory. Candidates must have their main place of residence in Austria.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: