Grant / loan for studying at your home university

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences. - TU Delft Excellence Scholarship - Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences

General information on this grant / loan

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences.
TU Delft Excellence Scholarship - Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences

General Description

Students who have exceeded expectations, and who have been admitted to one of TU Delft’s MSc programmes, and who are showing an interest in and background related to climate, process technology, robotics and transport may receive these scholarships. The grants consist of full coverage of tuition fees and a monthly allowance for living expenses. 8 scholarships will be awarded per year.


All students who enroll in an applicable course will be automatically considered.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: