Scholarship for studying at your home university

Landesgedächtnisstiftung und das Land Tirol - Stipendien für wissenschaftlich-universitäre Ausbildungsmaßnahmen - Land Tirol

General information on this scholarship

Landesgedächtnisstiftung und das Land Tirol
Stipendien für wissenschaftlich-universitäre Ausbildungsmaßnahmen - Land Tirol
Other limitation: 
Place of main residence: ...die den Mittelpunkt der Lebensbeziehungen in Tirol haben...

General Description

The Landesgedächtnisstiftung and the Land Tirol offer scholarships for students in financial need who are not eligible to receive Austrian federal student grants.


These scholarships are intended to support Bachelor and Master´s degree students. Applicants must submit certificates which demonstrate their academic success in the most recent semester; their family income must not exceed a threshold set on the basis of social criteria. Applicants are also required to be permanent residents of the Land Tirol.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: