Scholarship for studying at your home university

Constitutional Court of Spain - Research Traineeships on Constitutional Doctrine

General information on this scholarship

Constitutional Court of Spain
Research Traineeships on Constitutional Doctrine

General Description

For the purpose to provide theoretical and practical training in tasks related to legal research and treatment of the constitutional doctrine, the Constitutional Court of Spain will grant 6 scholarships of 1,100 euros each per month to fulfill this objective, and the studies and works realized will remain as property of the Constitutional Court. These scholarships will last up to 12 months. The beneficiaries of these scholarships will be given advising, orientation and guidance from the Chief of the Constitutional Doctrine and who will define the task for the training.


Applicants must have a Degree or be Students Graduated in Laws or hold an official certificate from other country that confirms an equivalent legal formation. They should also have a good level of English or French.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: