Scholarship for studying at your home university

Warsaw Academy of Computer Science, Management and Administration - Rector's Scholarship for the best students

General information on this scholarship

Warsaw Academy of Computer Science, Management and Administration
Rector's Scholarship for the best students

General Description

Rector's Scholarship for the best students can be awarded to a student who has obtained for the previous year of studying high grade point average no lower than 4.20 or has outstanding scientific, artistic or sports achievements or scores high in international or national competition.


Rector's Scholarship for the best students is available to the top students of each educational course, who additionaly: completed the educational year and confirmed this fact in the Dean's Office before the deadline (July 15), haa a grade point average above 4.20, does not have an conditional entry for the next semester. Students can apply for the Rector's Scholarship for the best students not earlier than after completing the first year of study on Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki, Zarządzania i Administracji in Warsaw.

Application deadlines

Applications can be submitted at any time.