Scholarship for studying at your home university

Strascheg Center for Entrepreneuership (SCE) - SCE Studienförderprogramm - Unternehmertum und Innovative Wirtschaft

General information on this scholarship

Strascheg Center for Entrepreneuership (SCE)
SCE Studienförderprogramm - Unternehmertum und Innovative Wirtschaft
Contact Person: 
k. A.

General Description

The SCE Study Support Program “Entrepreneurship and innovative Economics” and the German Scholarship Program support students enrolled at the University of Applied Sciences (FH) Munich. The program consists of a monthly 300€ installment. The amount is granted for 1 year and may be extended up to the standard period of studies.


Beginning students and students of all degree courses can apply. Applicants have to be enrolled at the FH Munich. Beginning students should show proof of an excellent grade point average in their A-level examination. Students must have performed extraordinarily well in academia thus far. The student’s social engagement is taken into consideration, too. Special social, financial and familiar circumstances are regarded as well.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: