Scholarship for studying abroad

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Visiting Scholar Program für Doktoranden

General information on this scholarship

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Visiting Scholar Program für Doktoranden
Contact Person: 
Frau Traci Rucker
Eligible countries: 
United States

General Description

The Holocaust Museum of The United States of America awards scholarships to highly qualified post doctoral researchers and senior scholars who are working on research projects on Holocaust related topics. The maximum amount of this scholarship is 3500 Dollars. The scholarship is awarded in duration of 6 months.


The scholarship is offered to all doctoral researcher who are doing their Holocaust related research. Possible subjects are: Historical sciences, political science, literature, Jewish studies, philosophy, religious studies, sociology, Anthropology, Law and other relevant subjects. Selection of candidates is made entirely based on their academic achievements. There are no other requirements.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: