Scholarship for studying at your home university

Universität Siegen - Frauenspezifische Promotions- und Habilitationsstipendien

General information on this scholarship

Universität Siegen
Frauenspezifische Promotions- und Habilitationsstipendien
Contact Person: 
Frau Lena Butz

General Description

The University of Siegen awards yearly stipends to qualified young women scientists to support a PhD or habilitation. Preference is given to those with family commitments who are re-entering study after having children. Entry stipends (Einstiegsstipendien) and stipends for those in the final phase of a programme (Abschlussstipendien) may also be applied for. The basic support consist of 800 Euros monthly for PhD stipends or 1,800 Euros monthly for habilitation stipends. An additional 150 Euros per month may be received by those with children. The duration of the stipend is usually 12 months. An extension of the stipend is only possible in justified exceptional cases.


This stipend is aimed at all PhD and habilitation students at the University of Siegen. Applications may be submitted at any point during a student's course of study. Applicants must have an above-average academic record. The stipend is available exclusively for women.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: