Scholarship for studying at your home university

Avicienna Studienwerk - Promovierendenförderung

General information on this scholarship

Avicienna Studienwerk
Contact Person: 

General Description

The Avicenna study work promotes the doctoral students support program, especially to talented Muslim students from all disciplines who are in the early stages of their PhD and who are admitted to a state or state-recognized higher education institution for the promotion. Applicants can receive a basic monthly stipend of up to 1050 euros a month. The amount of the scholarship depends on the income of the applicant. In one we shall receive a monthly research cost allowance of 100 euros. In addition, family allowances can (155 EUR per month) as well as a childcare fee (155 EUR per month for the first child, 50 EUR per month for each additional child, up to 255 EUR) will be applied. The promotion usually takes two years, upon reasoned request, the promotion will be extended by up to one year.


The scholarship is aimed at PhD students of all disciplines who are in the early stages of their PhD and who are admitted to a state or state-recognized higher education institution for the promotion. The promotion is aimed at students with Muslim religious affiliation. In justified exceptional cases, non-Muslim candidates to be included in the promotion. The promotion is aimed at students with Muslim religious affiliation. In justified exceptional cases, non-Muslim candidates to be included in the promotion.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.