Scholarship for studying at your home university

Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft - Studienkolleg – Begabtenförderung für Lehramtsstudierende

General information on this scholarship

Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft
Studienkolleg – Begabtenförderung für Lehramtsstudierende
Contact Person: 
k. A.

General Description

The scholarship program Klaus Murmann of the Foundation of the German economy is one of the twelve nation-wide scholarship programs dedicated to academically gifted studetns. The program "Study Group" is intended for German students and educational residents (according to §8 BAföG) of all subjects with the career goal "Magisterium". The amount of funding is a maximum of 597 Euros per month (calculated according to BaföG). In addition, the chosen candidates will receive 150 Euros of book money per month regardless of their parental income. The scholarship can be obtained until reaching the standard period of study.


This scholarship is open to all student teachers. Applications may be submittedat any time of the study and also before the start of the study. When applying, at least four semesters of the study course must be remaining, therefore an application just before graduation is excluded. For a successful application for this scholarship, above average school and academic performances are required. In addition, community involvement (e.g. committee work at the university, participation in clubs or in a political party, volunteering at church or in social institutions) must have been demonstrated. In addition, the Foundation of German Business attaches importance to the determination of the applicant in terms of their career goal, "Magisterium".

Application deadlines

Applications can be submitted at any time.