Award / prize

ASSDIPLAR - ASSDIPLAR-Costantino Nigra Degree Prize

General information on this award / prize

ASSDIPLAR-Costantino Nigra Degree Prize

General Description

The funder of this Scholarship is "Associazione Nazionale Diplomatici a r. - Costantino Nigra". The announcement is reserved to graduates, who got a degree in a topic related to italian diplomacy. One Scholarship of € 2,000 is assigned to a Master degree or a Specialistic degree. According to the Board decisions, the prize can be shared among more theses.


Candidates must be graduated in any italian university. The dissertation must be related to italian diplomacy, and italian activity in developing international relationships. Works must be genuine. They will be evaluated based on the overall quality of the disclosed information, and the completeness of the consulted sources.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: