Scholarship for studying at your home university

Luigi Bocconi University (Milan/Italy) - Student accommodation discounts

General information on this scholarship

Luigi Bocconi University (Milan/Italy)
Student accommodation discounts

General Description

Università Bocconi offers students a total of 1600 housing rooms in 6 University Residences; approximately 500 rooms are reserved for reduced rate housing; access to this kind of housing is based on the economic situation of the student's family. The remaining rooms are reserved for full rate housing; no evaluation of the economic condition of the family is necessary for assignment.


Applications are open to students of the Luigi Bocconi University. The household income of applicants must not exceed an ISEE/ISEEU of € 20.728,45* and/or an ISPEE/ISPEEU of € 34.979,27*. (* 2014/15 ISEE/ISEEU ISPEE/ISPEEU limits indicated) .

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: