Scholarship for studying at your home university

University of Bradford - National Scholarship Programme 

General information on this scholarship

University of Bradford
National Scholarship Programme 

General Description

The National Scholarship Programme at the University of Bradford is intended to help students from low income families who want to access Higher Education for the first time. The government and the university jointly fund the scholarships. Most students are automatically assessed, so long as they apply for government support through Student Finance England. Those students who are selected will have £1,500 taken off their tuition fees in year one. They will also be given £1,000 for their first year accommodation. If they are not living in the student village they will get a further £1,000 off their tuition fees. In addition, £500 is loaded onto a smartcard that enables the student to pay for university services. This includes food, printing, and photocopying. Students who receive the scholarship in their first year will have their placement year waived if they are on a sandwich course.


Applicants must permanently live in England and be classified as a “home” student for funding purposes. Their assessed income must be under £25,000. The student must have made Bradford their firm choice through UCAS. And they must be enrolled in full-time courses with a £9,000 fee, except social work - care leavers who don’t receive fee support from their local authority will receive the scholarship even if they are studying social work, or are in reduced fee courses. Care leavers and students living low participation neighborhoods are considered for this award.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: