Scholarship for studying at your home university

ICT - Institute of Chemical Technology (Prague/Czech Republic) - Distintion scholarship

General information on this scholarship

ICT - Institute of Chemical Technology (Prague/Czech Republic)
Distintion scholarship

General Description

The Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, Czech Republic is proud to offer its exceptional students a Distinction Scholarship. These scholarships are offered as rewards to those undergraduate and postgraduate students who achieve the highest possible grade-point averages over the course of a semester or year. Awards take the form of an annual cash stipend. The amount of the stipend varies, depending on the grade-point average of the individual student and on how many students qualify for the award.


Full-time students of the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague are eligible to receive Distinction Scholarships. Undergraduate students must have achieved a grade-point average of 1.7 or higher in the previous year in order to qualify. Master's students must have achieved a 1.2 average in the previous semester or year in order to qualify.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.