Scholarship for studying at your home university

Stadt Regensburg - Dr. Seyboth Stipendienstiftung für Studenten der Universität Regensburg

General information on this scholarship

Stadt Regensburg
Dr. Seyboth Stipendienstiftung für Studenten der Universität Regensburg
Contact Person: 
Frau Melanie Brunner
Other limitation: 
Place of main residence:Regensburg

General Description

The Dr. Seyboth Scholarship Foundation supports students at the University of Regensburg. The scholarship can be obtained up to the maximum funding period in accordance with BaföG. The funding amount is currently unknown.


This scholarship is aimed at students of all disciplines at the University of Regensburg. Theology students are excluded from receiving this scholarship. The selection of scholarship recipients is based on financial need and previous academic performance. There are no further conditions..

Application deadlines

Applications can be submitted at any time.