Scholarship for studying at your home university

Verein der Förderer Ausländischer Studierender e.V. - Hamburger Notfond, (V.d.F.a.S.)

General information on this scholarship

Verein der Förderer Ausländischer Studierender e.V.
Hamburger Notfond, (V.d.F.a.S.)
Contact Person: 
International Office der HAW Ha

General Description

The Foundation of Supporters of Foreign Students (V.d.F.a.S) is the benefactor behind this award. The foundation strives to support foreign students enrolled at the HAW Hamburg, who, of no fault of one’s own, find themselves in a financial plight. Therefore the scholarship pays a one-time installment of 380€.


All foreign students enrolled at the HAW Hamburg may apply for this support program. Applicants should have completed the first two semesters of their studies successfully. Only foreign students are regarded who are financially needy, without it being their own fault.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.