Scholarship for studying at your home university

Freie Universität Berlin - Eva Walzendorf-Fonds Frauenförderung Mathematik

General information on this scholarship

Freie Universität Berlin
Eva Walzendorf-Fonds Frauenförderung Mathematik
Contact Person: 
Mechthild Koreuber

General Description

The Eva-Wolzendorf-Foundation has created this scholarship in order to support women in the area of Mathematics enrolled at the Free University of Berlin. Highly talented and financially needy female Master or Diploma students in the later stages of their studies are supported. A monthly installment of 643€ is paid for 2 semesters. The duration may be extended for one additional semester.


Female students enrolled in Mathematics studies at the Free University Berlin can apply for this program. Applicants must be enrolled in Master degree courses or Diploma studies. Extraordinary academic success is a must in order to be considered for this program. Financially indigent students who do not receive support from any other party are considered. Only female bearers of the German citizenship can apply.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: