Award / prize

Science and Technology Foundation - International Prize Fernando Gil

General information on this award / prize

Science and Technology Foundation
International Prize Fernando Gil

General Description

The International Prize Fernando Gil is a partnership a joint initiative of the Portuguese Government, represented by the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian. The purpose of the prize is to distinguish a work of exceptional quality in the field of philosophy of science. These works should consider the general epistemological problems relating to specific scientific areas. The award is held every two years. The amount to be paid to the winner will be € 75,000.00.


Only be taken into account works of single author. These authors may be of any nationality or professional affiliation. The work submitted must be up to five years before the date of nomination to the Fernando Gil International Prize. The full bibliographic record of the work named. A critical review of the work nominated for the prize giving emphasis to the elements considered most relevant for the award. A brief comment on the author’s biography. The author email must be sent with the work.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: