Grant / loan for studying at your home university

Kore University of Enna (Enna/Italy) - Fee reduction "Il tuo 100 alla maturità vale il 100% di sconto"

General information on this grant / loan

Kore University of Enna (Enna/Italy)
Fee reduction "Il tuo 100 alla maturità vale il 100% di sconto"

General Description

Deserving college graduates are awarded by University of Enna. They will be granted free registration fee in the first academic year. Furthermore, candidates will be automatically inserted in rankings for additional Scholarships.


Candidates must have earned a college degree in the last academic year. Students with a college mark of 100/100 will receive a 100% off the registration fee. Students with a college mark of 95-99/100 will receive a 50% off the registration fee. Such benefits are additional to other Scholarship. As an exception, this benefit is not cumulative with other fee reduction Scholarships.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.