The Centre for Doctoral Training at Oxford offers a scholarship in Theory and Modelling in Chemical Sciences. This project is supported by a consortium made up of the Universities of Oxford, Bristol and Southampton. The project consists of 1 year of training and 3 to 4 years of research. The first year of training is conducted at the University of Oxford by staff from all the consortium universities. After the year ends the scholar receives the award of Oxford MSc. There are up to 15 available places available. The first year of training involves 8 core modules, 9 option modules and 2 short projects. All the core modules and 5 of the option modules are assessed. The first six weeks of the short project is conducted in Bristol or Southampton, and the second in Oxford. The doctoral research project from the second to the fourth year takes place in all of the consortium Universities - Oxford, Bristol and Southampton.
Standard application requirements for the Centre for Doctoral Training include a 1,000 to1,500 words statement of purpose essay; a CV; 3 academic references; and official transcripts detailing the applicant's university-level qualifications and marks to date. UK and EU students are eligible for full fee scholarships but only UK students are eligible for the £13,863 annual stipend. A certain number of overseas students can be accepted to the project but they would have pay their full overseas tuition fees. For non-UK students a high level of English language ability is required.