Grant / loan for studying at your home university

University of Leoben (Leoben/Austria) - Hellmut Longin Award

General information on this grant / loan

University of Leoben (Leoben/Austria)
Hellmut Longin Award

General Description

The Dr Hellmut Longin-Prize aims to promote excellent scientific work in the fields of Mineral Engineering. To this end, it is awarded for outstanding dissertations and postdoctoral theses, which are developed at and / or submitted to the Department of Mineral Engineering, University of Leoben. Applications are should be submitted at the Department of Mineral Engineering to the attention of Mr. O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Harmuth.


The award is granted to talented students of the University of Leoben working on their dissertations and postdoctoral theses, who have proven that their work is outstanding and highly relevant to their respective field of study.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.