Scholarship for studying at your home university

University of Southampton - Physics & Astronomy Scholarship Examination

General information on this scholarship

University of Southampton
Physics & Astronomy Scholarship Examination

General Description

The University of Southampton offers the Physics and Astronomy Scholarship Examination to prospective students of Physics and Astronomy courses. Successful candidates will be granted automatic admission to the university and £5,000. They will receive a further £5000 at the start of each following year of their course provided they continue to achieve first class marks (ie. an average of 70%), so that up to four payments may be made.


These scholarships are open to students who make one of the Physics & Astronomy courses offered by the University of Southampton their firm choice. Successful candidates are selected according to their results in an exam designed to test the ability of students to solve problems by applying their knowledge and understanding of Physics. Students should be able to make reasonable estimates and find their own ways to solve the posed problems. Scholarships will be awarded to students achieving more than 70% of the exam marks. If there are more than 5 candidates achieving in excess of 70%, then the scholarships will be awarded to the 5 students who achieved the highest marks.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: