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University of Cádiz - Scholarships for UCA Autumn Courses in Algeciras

General information on this scholarship

University of Cádiz
Scholarships for UCA Autumn Courses in Algeciras
Other limitation: 
previous/current employment: Unemployed.

General Description

The University of Cádiz is offering 10 Scholarships for UCA Autumn Courses in Algeciras. Courses are: Legal and Health aspects in Situations Involving Minors; Energy certification of existing buildings; Port Logistics Engineering Algeciras Bay: Challenges of a Generation Port; Suits of Gibraltar in the Tercentenary of the Treaty of Utrecht; The occupation of Gibraltar by Prehistoric Societies. Value: free tuition costs. Length: 3 days.


Applicants must have the Spain nationality or from any other country of the European Union or from other country with residence in Spain at the time of the call; be unemployed; have an undergraduate, Master or PhD degree.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: