Scholarship for studying at your home university

Dr. Otto Ender Studienstiftung - Vorarlberger Landesstipendium

General information on this scholarship

Dr. Otto Ender Studienstiftung
Vorarlberger Landesstipendium
Other limitation: 
Hauptwohnsitz in Vorarlberg seit zumindest drei zusammenhängenden Jahren zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung.

General Description

The Dr. Otto Ender Studienstiftung offers the Vorarlberger Landesstipendium to students in financial need. A monthly amount of 170 euro will be provided for a maximum of 12 months.


Candidates are required to submit evidence of having achieved certain level of academic success and to demonstrate that they are undergoing a situation of financial hardship. Applicants must be citizens of the European Union registered as permanent residents of Vorarlberg for at least three years. The age limit is set at 45 years old.

Application deadlines

Applications can be submitted at any time.