Scholarship for studying abroad

Anna Whitlock Memorial Fund - Anna Whitlock Memorial Fund Scholarships

General information on this scholarship

Anna Whitlock Memorial Fund
Anna Whitlock Memorial Fund Scholarships
Eligible countries: 
All countries are eligible

General Description

The Anna Whitlock Memorial Fund awards scholarships to

  1. students from the greater Stockholm area attending later compulsory or secondary education,
  2. for continued studies for students who took at least their final year of secondary education at Whitlockska Samskolan, and
  3. for studies abroad


To qualify for the scholarship, have to

  1. live in the greater Stockholm area, attend later primary education (høgstadiet) or secondary education (gymnasieskolan) with good result
  2. be a former student at Whitlockska Samskolan attending further studies, or
  3. take higher education outside Sweden, primarily within the fields of arts, music, natural sciences or technology.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: