Scholarship for studying abroad

Commission on Higher Education (CHE) Bangkok, Thailand - Scholarship of the Thai Government for Austrian Scientists

General information on this scholarship

Commission on Higher Education (CHE) Bangkok, Thailand
Scholarship of the Thai Government for Austrian Scientists
Eligible countries: 

General Description

The Thai Commission on Higher Education (CHE) offers scholarships to Austrian researchers interested in a short-term academic visit to Thailand. Funding will be provided for a maximum of 3 months. The amount allocated will depend on the available budget.


These scholarships is open to scientists and researchers. The application form should be accompanied by a description of the project, a curriculum vitae, a one letter of recommendation by the home institution, copies of academic degrees and transcripts in English and/or German copy), and a letter of acceptance from the host academic institute. A Thai commission with an Austrian representation selects the candidates on the basis of the application documents they have submitted. The age limit for candidates is set at 35 years old for undergraduates and graduates without a finished PhD.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: