Scholarship for studying at your home university

University of Minho (Braga/Portugal) - UM Excellence Prize

General information on this scholarship

University of Minho (Braga/Portugal)
UM Excellence Prize

General Description

The Scholarship of Excellence will be awarded to the best student to join the first year curriculum of each course (bachelor's or master's) provided with valid registration.


In order to be eligible, students must choose the course from the University of Minho first choice in the first phase of the Contest National Access and Admission in general quota and must serve notice of application to the course less than 16.0 values​​. Furthermore, students must have completed ​​registration and enrollment at the University of Minho. The Scholarship of Excellence will be awarded to the best student in each year of each degree course or integrated MSc, provided that the student has passed all units in the prior year.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.