Scholarship for studying at your home university

GPEC Group - GPEC Group Scholarship Program

General information on this scholarship

GPEC Group
GPEC Group Scholarship Program

General Description

Scholarship program offered by Gdańskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o (GPEC) is a form of financial support for selected students of Gdansk University of Technology. A competitive procedure and rating of their professional activation after graduation in the high school is taking into account while awarding students. The number and amount of monthly payments of scholarship will be determined annually by the GPEC. The amount awarded in a given year will be valid until the end of the scholarship agreement.


The basic criteria for selection of candidates for the scholarship are: the weighted average of the ratings achieved for the last 4 semesters, registration for the current semester without points debt. Additional advantage to be taken into account when selecting candidates for the scholarship will be documentation of the Student's scientific and organizational activities during the study period, including creative activities in scientific or medical groups, authorship or co-authorship of articles and research papers, participation in the development of teaching materials etc.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: