Scholarship for studying at your home university

Universität Stuttgart - Dr. Eugen Ebert Stiftung

General information on this scholarship

Universität Stuttgart
Dr. Eugen Ebert Stiftung
Contact Person: 
Herr Roth
Other limitation: 
Place of main residence:

General Description

The purpose of Dr. Eugen-Ebert-Foundation is to promote talented and needy students of the University of Stuttgart and the University of Hohenheim.


Students of all disciplines may apply for this scholarship. The Foundation generally starts funding after the expiry of the maximum period of BaföG, when BaföG for special reasons - eg change of course – is no (longer) being granted or for special projects. Applicants should be able to demonstrate their academic ability through appropriate coursework. Only financially needy students will be supported. Applicants must have attained their High School Diploma in old-Württemberg and must be German nationality.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: