Scholarship for studying abroad

DAAD - RISE weltweit

General information on this scholarship

RISE weltweit
Contact Person: 
k. A.
Eligible countries: 
All countries are eligible

General Description

.The scholarship program RISE (Research Internships in Sciene and Engineering) mediate the DAAD research internship worldwide for bachelor and diploma students at German Universities. The research internships in the departments of biology, chemistry, physics, geoscience and engineering as well as medicine and pharmacy are offered worldwide by research groups in their own databases. The internship can last from 6 weeks up to 3 months and the funding amount depends on the country. Aside the scholarship it will also pay the travel expenses (depending on the country) and the health-, accident-, and liability insurance.


Students who study at a German University biology, chemistry, physics, geoscience, engineering, medicine or pharmacy can apply for the scholarship. Applicants should be between their first and fifth semester of their 3 yearlong bachelor course or between the first and seventh semester of their diploma or medicine course.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: