Scholarship for studying at your home university

Cusanuswerk - Grundförderung für Abiturienten an Unis, TUs, PHs und FHs

General information on this scholarship

Grundförderung für Abiturienten an Unis, TUs, PHs und FHs
Contact Person: 
Dr. Martin Reilich / Sekretariat

General Description

The Cuasnuswerk offers financial and ideational funding for future students at German Universities, technical Universities and pedagogic Universities. The applicants need to have outstanding achievements, high reflectivity, curiosity and creativity and be a member of the catholic church and be active in social engagements. The funding amounts to 597€ per month in addition to 150€ for book expenses. The funding will be determined at the start of the semester for a probation period.


The funding is for future students at German Universities, technical Universities and pedagogic Universities who are doing their first semester. Students who are of catholic faith, have outstanding academic achievements, curiosity, creativity and high reflectivity who have the German citizenship or are citizens of a foreign country inside the EU or Switzerland or are allowed to receive financial grant can apply.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: