Award / prize

Cultural Association "Giovanni Lorenzin" - Prize "Giovanni Lorenzin"

General information on this award / prize

Cultural Association "Giovanni Lorenzin"
Prize "Giovanni Lorenzin"
Eligible countries: 
Central African Republic, Northern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa

General Description

Acque del Basso Livenza S.p.A., CAIBT S.p.A. - Hydric Integrated Service and Giovanni Lorenzin ONLUS award three prizes for students willing to travel and research in a Cooperation Organization for a period of time in an African country. the prizes are worth 2,00 EUR each.


Students must be about to graduate or recently graduated from an Italian University. At the end of their period of research, all students are required to present a final report or thesis on their work.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: