Grant / loan for studying at your home university

University of Milan (Milan/Italy) - Prize of study "Roberto Cavallarin"

General information on this grant / loan

University of Milan (Milan/Italy)
Prize of study "Roberto Cavallarin"

General Description

Family Cavallarin, through "Università degli Studi di Milano", issues one Scholarship. One student will be assigned a prize of € 1,300.


Candidates must be enrolled in last year of Law. The candidate must have earned 200 credits or more, and have an average grade of 27/30. Only candidates with ISEE or ISEEU documentation lower than €26,000 are eligible. The prize will be accorded to the students with best marks. In case of equal merit, the prize will be accorded to the students with worst ISEE/ISEEU.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: