Grant / loan for studying at your home university

EDiSU Pavia - Contributions for accommodation

General information on this grant / loan

EDiSU Pavia
Contributions for accommodation
Other limitation: 
the student must attend a course of study established at the headquarters of Mantova

General Description

The EDiSU Pavia offers Contributions for accommodation to students who attend a course of study established at the headquarters of Mantova and that do not reside there. The grant is intended to help the student to pay the rent for an apartment in Mantova. The maximum contribution given is of 1.700,00 Euro for year and can be renewed.


This benefit is given only to the best students whose family income is lower than a specific amount. The student must have graduated with at least 70/100, for students enrolled in the first year; for subsequent years, the number of credit will be evaluated.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: