Scholarship for studying at your home university

Science fund - Science Communication Programme

General information on this scholarship

Science fund
Science Communication Programme

General Description

Austrian Science fund is awarding scientists and researchers with Science Communication Programme award. The award is intended for researchers and scientists from all disciplines who are working in Austria and are currently receiving grants under FWF (Austrian Science Fund) sponsored projects or whose FWF grand period ended no more than 3 years ago prior to application. Grants are awarded for outstanding science communication measures related to the research project funded by the Austrian Science fund. Funds are received in the length of 12 months with the possibility of follow-up applications. The grands are received in the heigth of 50.000 Euros.


The awards are given to researchers and scientists who are working on high quality projects regarding to originality, attractiveness and appropriateness of planned communication activity.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: