Scholarship for studying at your home university

Austrian Study Grant Authority - Federal Aid for Students - ESF Child Care Subsidy

General information on this scholarship

Austrian Study Grant Authority
Federal Aid for Students - ESF Child Care Subsidy
Other limitation: 

General Description

The Austrian Study Grant Authority offers a child care subsidy to students with parenting responsibilities. A monthly allowance of 679 euro will be provided for a maximum of 18 months.


Applicants are required to be nearing completion of their studies (no more than 40 ECTS credits left, or 20 ECTS credits plus the final degree thesis); they should also be recipients of Austrian regular subsidies for students (Studienbeihilfe or Studienabschluss-Stipendium) or emancipated students whose partner´s income is lower than 21800 euro. The age limit is set at 41 years old.

Application deadlines

Applications can be submitted at any time.