Scholarship for studying at your home university

University of Hertfordshire - National Scholarship Programme

General information on this scholarship

University of Hertfordshire
National Scholarship Programme

General Description

Approximately 660 scholarships are offered by the University of Hertfordshire and the National Scholarship Programme every year. Each scholarship is worth £4,000 over three years of study. First year students receive £2,000. This is divided into a Peer to Peer Support Package of £350 plus an additional £1,650. This can be used for things like accommodation costs, as a tuition fee waiver or as a book allowance. Second year students who are already scholarship holders receive £500 in a cash bursary and a £1,000 voucher for food, travel and books. Third year students who are scholarship holders receive £500 in cash or a voucher for food, books and travel.


All students who apply for the scholarship must have a household income of £25,000 or less. Students who live in an area with low university participation get priority. Applicants must also be in receipt of the Employment and Support Allowance. "Looked After Children" will also have a priority. Students attending courses which are NHS- funded as well as those on foundation and extended degree courses, postgraduate courses, and part-time courses at less than 25% intensity, are not eligible to receive the scholarship. Students who are continuing from one course to the other, students who are transferring from other educational institutions, students with sponsorship arrangements, and students who are not first time undergraduate students, are also not eligible.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.