Scholarship for studying abroad

ceiA3-Campus of International Excellence in Food and Agriculture - International academic mobility grants for undergraduate students

General information on this scholarship

ceiA3-Campus of International Excellence in Food and Agriculture
International academic mobility grants for undergraduate students
Eligible countries: 
United States, Australia, Korea, South

General Description

The ceiA3-Campus of International Excellence in Food and Agriculture is offering 3 international academic mobility scholarships for graduate students in degrees ascribed to the ceiA3. Value: Up to EUR 11,500 intended to partially cover the cost of tuition, accommodation and subsistence in the country of destination, plus up to EUR 1,100 for travel expenses once the stay is finished. Length of stay: one academic semester.


Applicants should be undergraduate students enrolled in the current academic year in one of the official degrees ascribed to the Agrifood Campus of International Excellence of the centres of ceiA3 Universities, and have completed at least 120 credits and comply with the admission requirements set by the host university.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: