Scholarship for studying abroad

University of Porto (Porto/Portugal) - Fulbright scholarships

General information on this scholarship

University of Porto (Porto/Portugal)
Fulbright scholarships
Eligible countries: 
United States

General Description

Fulbright Comission is a program designed to facilitate cultural exchange between students and teachers, as well. The American State Department is the administrator of this program, thanks to its foundations and commissions in 51 countries and 89 American embassies of the world. Students and teachers enrolled with University of Porto have the opportunity to travel to the United States in order to study or perform research and work.

A regional information center is available at the University of Porto, where students and teachers are able to find answers to any question they might have about the Fullbright scholarships. Funding cannot exceed $25,000 per year, although masters and doctors in their second year of study and doctors in their third year of study can benefit from up to $6,000 additional funding.


Students need to have their degree completed before the scholarship contest begins. Students that followed a 3-year degree must complete an additional Master or other post-graduate year of study. The average degree should be at least equal to 14. An important requirement is the knowledge of English, which must be excellent, TOEFL or IELTS tests with marks higher than 100 or 7, respectively, being a way to prove one’s knowledge of the language.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.