Scholarship for studying at your home university

Jan Amos Komienski State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno - Rector's Scholarship for the best students

General information on this scholarship

Jan Amos Komienski State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno
Rector's Scholarship for the best students

General Description

Up to 10% of the best students of Jan Amos Komienski State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno may be granted Rector’s scholarship for the best students. This scholarship is dependent on student’s academic performance in the previous academic year which is evaluated on the basis of the high average mark they gained. Therefore, students may apply for this scholarship from the second year of studies. Also students who pride themselves on special achievements in science, art or sport on national or international arena may be granted this allowance. Special achievements in science or art mean scientific work, scientific research, cooperation with other universities or institutions, publishing artistic works etc.


In order to be eligible for this scholarship an applicant should document his or her special achievements in science, art or sport and submit correctly filled application form. Required average mark for the previous academic year is at least 4.0. Only students who timely passed all the examination of the last exam session in accordance with their studies programme may apply.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: