Scholarship for studying at your home university

Universität Hohenheim - Ingeborg und Horst Kaltwasser-Stiftung

General information on this scholarship

Universität Hohenheim
Ingeborg und Horst Kaltwasser-Stiftung
Contact Person: 
Dipl.-Ing. agr. Eugen Dierenbach

General Description

The University of Hohenheim offers scholarship for all students and applicants of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the Ingeborg and Horst Cold Water Foundation. The promotion is 160.00 EUR per month and shall be granted for one year, requests for extensions are possible. The scholarship will be awarded during the standard period of study, in justified cases, the promotion over the normal period may be requested.


The scholarship is designed for all students and applicants of the University of Hohenheim, studying at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.

Primary selection criteria for the award of scholarships are the personal social circumstances of the applicant (single parent, caring for relatives, etc.), handicap, familial circumstances (Hartz IV recipients, etc.) and family background (migration backgrounds). Secondary Selection Criteria are certificates, previous academic performance, intermediate certificates and undergraduate certificates etc. There are no personal criteria.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: